Our Expertise

The expertise that Potentialis has is wide ranging and adds value to our clients properties and projects.  We prepare resource consent applications for different types of development including new builds, urban subdivision, earthworks and cleanfills.  We also have experience in preparing applications for discharge permits and activities in the coastal marine area.  When we assist with a consent application we can co-ordinate all required experts and manage the process from preparing the consent application to the time consent is granted. 


01.  consents for urban development.

We prepare applications for anything from house additions, minor units and terraced houses to child care centres. 


02. Consents for rural activities

Angela specialises in earthworks consents and consents for cleanfills, managed fills and quarries. Potentialis can also help with consents for the primary sector.  We also prepare retrospective resource consent applications and can assist with compliance issues.  


03.Feasibility assessments

Realising the potential of your property starts with understanding what you could do and what the consent requirements are.  Potentials feasibility reports make this easy to understand.  Our reports outline the zone of your property, consent requirements and development considerations.


04. Submissions and policy development

 Potentialis Director - Angela assists clients to make submissions on Council documents and gives expert evidence at Council hearings.